Here are some things that stand out about it for me. Dogs! We’ve been without a pet since Titan the Wonder Rabbit died 4 years ago. While we haven’t actually gotten a dog yet, we now know that we will. Kara, a 15-year-old Cane Corso has been visiting with us for 6 weeks while our friends get their daughter’s passport issues resolved in the US. She is the perfect houseguest. She sleeps much of the time and is always happy to see us when she’s awake. Opening my coaching practice. It’s been a full year now. Despite being an introvert, it’s been great to spend time one on one with people, share my knowledge and experience and help them. Cheese! My son has made it a Yule tradition to gift me the “Fancy Cheese” for the holiday. I am always surprised and delighted with what he finds. Achilles Tendon Surgery. It was needed. I had trepidation but the care I received from my medical professionals was amazing. I am delighted by new abilities to walk more securely and have enjoyed sending pictures of hills that I’ve conquered to my podiatrist along with photos of feet from classical statues from museums that I’ve visited to add to his impressive collection. Being Mrs. Santa! My spouse and I were the Santas for a thrift shop that we volunteer for. The kids were a delight as were the grown-ups who stopped by for a photo opportunity. Speaking of the thrift shop, it funds hospice training and care – the first program of its type in Mexico. I’m proud to be a supporter of this important project. Canva. I’ve made over 150 signs, social media graphics, etc. for the thrift shop this past year. Volunteering has really helped my skill grow. No affiliate link – just a mention of a product that has been helpful for me. Being able to volunteer in a way that fits best for me. Most of the volunteers at the thrift shop help in the store. Because I’m doing the graphics, I’m able to help without all the stress of having to ‘people’ for 4 hour shifts. There’s another non-neurotypical woman who volunteers by doing the accounting. Don’t think that you need to ‘people’ to volunteer. There are a lot of ways to use use your skills and talents. Chocolate caliente! I don’t drink coffees but I do appreciate a warm beverage in the morning and as something to have when meeting socially at a cafe. Hot chocolate is totally a thing year round here and I love it! Allowing myself to be cared for. This was a hard one for me. My surgery required that I spend a full five weeks totally in bed. Totally. Even the few steps from the bedroom to the bathroom were prohibited. My husband was an excellent caregiver and I am grateful. It was frankly difficult to allow myself to be cared for to this degree. It is said that life gives us the lessons that we need. This was an exercise in patience, acceptance, and allowing myself to be cared for. |
Brave Things I Tried This Past Year!

You know about my coaching practice because you’re here. I started that at the beginning of 2024. I would love to meet you and help if I can. Just want to remind you that I offer free intro calls at ArtMagickCoach.com where we can find out if we’re a fit.
I also started an accompanying youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/@ArtMagickCoach That took a bit of bravery because we’re acculturated to thinking that everyone on every screen needs to be young, thin, physically perfect and oozing charisma and personality from every pore. It may be enough to be human, vulnerable, and just show up. I’m still finding out.
While encouraging you in your creativity is my passion, my focus on self-love has grown. It’s so important that we learn to love ourselves. I wish for you to be able to talk to yourself like you would a dear friend and nurture yourself as if you would a child. I think that many of us were inadequately nurtured as children and we need modeling for how to care for ourselves. It’s a thing that I’ve been exploring and sharing.
Things I Made in 2024

I made a few books this year. That always requires a bit of bravery.
Anytime that you do something public facing you open yourself to possible rejection. I would like to encourage you to do it anyway. It’s a way that we can grow and stretch. And I’m here to help.
Maiden, Mother, Crone: Simple self-love and healing rituals for women of all stages of life is my big book for the year. It’s sometimes difficult for us as women because of all the transitions we go through in our lives. And so many of them lack rituals to help us process them. It starts in girlhood because it’s important that we learn to love ourselves from an early age. You can find it at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DRW6X5GW Your positive review helps me to grow and I appreciate that.
Crystals 101: Facts, Poetry, and Magick I also wrote a book on crystals for beginners. It pretty much does what it says on the tin. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1966102011
Ancient Goddesses to Cut and Collage I didn’t write this so much as curate it. There are so many great historical Goddess images that we just don’t have easy access to for our vision boards, altar crafts, and artmaking.This was an opportunity to share some of them with you. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DPN33Z1M
I’m also dipping my proverbial toes into a couple of entrepreneurial pools.
I have a Goddess-focused t-shirt line at https://www.amazon.com/s?rh=n%3A7141123011%2Cp_4%3AArtMagickCoach
My fledgling Etsy shop can be found at https://artmagickcoach.etsy.com/
What I’m Looking Forward to in 2025

These entrepreneurial endeavors are to help finance my solo pilgrimage to visit important neolithic Goddess artworks and sites in Europe. As well as visiting works by some of my favorite women artists. They include Artemisia Gentileschi, Niki de Saint Phalle, and Yoko Ono. If you know of any places or works that might be a good fit for my trip, I would love it if you could share them with me. I’m planning on sharing my journey with you on the YouTube channel.
I hope we can be in touch more this new year.
Thanks for being there and being you.
PS. This is not an afterthought because it’s something that has been in the forefront of my mind. I just didn’t know how to fit it in. Please take care of yourself, reach out, and allow people to help you. I know it can be difficult sometimes. I lost a friend to suicide this holiday season. Those of us with depression are especially vulnerable. Do what you need to do to protect yourself. Reach out to people who can help you. You don’t have to become one of the statistics. There is help available. I wish you peace.